With a #MillerElite one time training plan, your Coach will build you out a custom training plan based around an assessment of your current physique and your goals (i.e. fat loss, muscle gain, etc.) as well as take into account feedback on any previous injuries, previous training plans, and what worked / what didn’t with you. We don’t all respond to the same things i.e. you may know you prefer dumbbell pressing over barbell pressing due to individual response or injury limitations etc. so it is important this email is relayed to your coach. The training plan will also be custom-built around the facility you train at or what equipment you have available (full gym, bands only, home gym, bodyweight, etc.)
Included in the training plan will be a :
- Mobility protocol
- Explanation of training techniques to be utilized
- Explanation of warmups, rest periods, tempo, etc.
- Training split (push-pull-legs, upper-lower, etc.)
- Training program
Please note this is a one-time plan, your coach will not be altering the plan in the future based on your progress. If you would like your plan altered around how your body responds and continually altered please discuss Full Coaching with your coach.