With a #MillerElite one-time nutrition plan, your Coach will build you out a custom nutrition plan based on your current physique and your goals (i.e. fat loss, muscle gain, etc.) as well as your current intake, dietary needs, and digestive abilities. (food intolerances, allergies, etc.)
The nutrition plan will be custom-built around your day-to-day life i.e. work times, training times, etc. with suggested meal times as when it comes to the training window, meal timing is important.
Included in the nutrition plan will be a :
- Cardio recommendation
- Recommendations for performance supplements (not including PED’s)
- Health vitamins/supplements.
Please note this is a one-time plan, your coach will not be altering the plan in the future based on your progress. If you would like your plan altered around how your body responds and continually altered please discuss Full Coaching with your coach.